Our Elm Tree
Ribbonwood Cottages is home to the world's largest English Elm tree, both in height and trunk circumference.
The 3 English Elm seedlings were brought to Tumut in the late 1830’s by Francis Anderson who settled on the property now known as Ribbonwood. The seedlings were planted along the road to the first bridge over the Tumut River. It was next to these Elms that Francis Anderson ran his blacksmith business.
The Elm is registered with the Monumental Big Trees of the World as the tallest English Elm at (41.055 meters) in the world and largest English Elm in trunk circumference at (10.080 metres) in the world. The Elm has sequested 145 tonnes of CO2. The latest data was collected by Arbormeta in 2023.
Brett and Reg at the base of the
world's largest English Elm